What services do you provide?

Licensed counselors (Michele Hairston and Ashley Taylor) and interns from NC universities (supervised by board member Cheryl Goldberg) offer trauma-informed mental health therapy here and online. Additionally, Sid’s offers group therapy and one-to-one peer support for anyone with mental health disorders and/or substance use disorder. Peers and interns work closely with therapists, including Sondra Folsom (Peer Supervisor) who, like Cheryl G., is licensed in both mental health and addiction therapy. We offer other resources, too, listed on our Services page. 

Who do you serve?

We serve everyone of any gender identity, ethnicity, religion, spiritual beliefs, physical and intellectual difference, and age. We also work with clients on therapy costs, although all other services are free of charge. Our primary concern is for the people of Stokes County, but residents from surrounding counties are entirely welcome.

Where are you located?

Our physical address is 530 North Main Street, Walnut Cove, 27052, between the London and the Summit Street neighborhoods and next to CVS. Our hours are generally by appointment, but the house is often open for visits in the late afternoons and on Saturdays (252.542.9333).

What are the criteria for getting help?

Individuals with a mental health and/or substance use disorder diagnosis or those who experience pain or difficulty with behavior, emotion, or destructive thinking (and their families) may make counseling appointments (336.310.6727), and/or attend peer support, group therapy, or group support (252.542.9333 or 336.536.1027). 

We also make referrals to psychiatrists, hospitals, doctors, and field questions about other local services.

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